Dr. Mike Davenport's activities and achievements:
- BSc First Class Honours in Physics at U Calgary 1978
- MSc in Theoretical Physics at UBC 1980-1982
- Scientist at Techwest / Fleet Aerospace, Richmond BC with contracts at e.g. CRC Ottawa, NCSC Panama City, Shell Oil Houston
- PhD in Theoretical Physics at UBC 1990-1993 (HDH Neural Networks)
- Senior scientist in R&D group at MDA, Richmond BC, with contracts to:
- Canadian and US Defence labs
- Canadian Forces
- Presented multiple technical papers at IEEE,
- Founder and president of Salience Analytics Inc. from 2008 to present
- Key Salience clients:
- Canadian Government Agencies and Labs
Innovator, for example:
- Co-invented SAR satellite self-cueing (2020 patent Fox et al)
- invented algorithm to exploit local reflectance texture to enhance SAR interferometry (published with Mike Seymore and Tim Scheuer 1993)
- Developed hyperspectral image exploitation systems, algorithms, and equations
- Introduced hidden neurons to Hopfield neural networks (1992 UBC thesis)
- Inventor and designer of large antenna stabilization for maritime comms on offshore oil rigs (1988 patent)
- Automated on board Planning for a cued satellite to optimize number of useful images collected while avoiding clouds, using Value Iteration algorithm
Mike Davenport at Techwest in 1995 analysing the dynamics of a rolling gantry crane, using Fortan on an IBM PC.